Welcome To Milan Pizza

Information: Have you had a long day at work and you're thinking cooking or going out to eat is the last possible thing on your mind right now, so you've convinced your partner to chill with streaming movies and order pizza in but you're wondering what the best pizza restaurant in town is before you decide on a place to order? Have you been craving a little bit of Italian in San Francisco for weeks and weeks but haven't managed to be able to fit any Italian food into your day until now, now you're ready for the margarita pizza and that salami and pastrami sandwich served with all of the delicious meats, your mouth is watering so much you're drooling like a labrador, but where can you find the best of all of these foods nearby? Do you find yourself at 5pm still in your pajamas after a long day of reading in bed and now that it's time to start thinking about dinner, you realize you have absolutely no food in the house, but you've had such an amazingly relaxed and cozy day you refuse to leave the house now in order to pick something up because, appallingly, that would require getting dressed, so you're looking through the delivery options and all the sudden it occurs to you you haven't ordered pizza in for a millennia or more and now it's all you can think about, but where is the best pizza delivery? You can't go wrong with Milan Pizza now in two San Francisco locations, which means faster delivery no matter where you are. Learn More

Service Areas:

  • San Francisco
  • Daly City
  • Alameda
  • Castro Valley
  • Oakland